
Latest Beeronomics updates and news


[May] Beeronomics 2024 Best Paper Competition

The VIII Beeronomics Scientific Committee has launched two best paper awards to assigned at the conference in Milan. The "BeSo 2024 Best Paper Award" will be assigned to the best theoretical or empirical paper presented at the event; the winner will receive a prize of €400. The "BeSo 2024 Young Researcher Best Paper Award" for the best theoretical or empirical paper presented by a young researcher (under 35 years old) at the event.; the winner will receive a prize of €250. Participants who wish to take part to these competitions must submit a full paper via email to by Friday 31 May 2024. More info can be found here

[March] Public Houses 2030: The Future of Pubs

"Public House 2030: Will pubs still be here at the end of the decade?", is the title of the workshop being held on Friday 26 April 2024 at Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University (United Kingdom). Supported by the Beeronomics Society and Campaign for Pubs, the event will bring together people from the sector to discuss the changes affecting pubs, the different business models in the industry, and the impact of their decline of local economies and communities. More info can be found here.

[January] Special Issue on Drinking Manufacture, Spaces and Places

This Special Issue, launched by the Journal of Marketing Management, investigates drinking behaviour of consumers, the retail position of drinking and the manufacture of alcohol leads to a range of important marketing, consumer behaviour and strategy questions. Deadline for submissions: September 16, 2024. More info can be found here.


[December] Call for Papers: VIII Beeronomics Conference in Milan (Italy)

The official website for our next Beeronomics Conference has been launched. The event will be organised and hosted by the University of Milan-Bicocca, with workshops and sessions taking place from June 19-22, 2024 at the Bicocca Campus in the heart of the city. A copy of the official Call for Papers can be found here

[October] Brewing Growth: Special Issue on Regional Studies now available online

The Special Issue on Brewing Growth, based on papers selected from those presented at the VI Beeronomics Conference in Plzen (Czech Republic), has now been published by Regional Studies. The issue (volume 57, issue 10), edited by Ignazio Cabras, Dieter F. Kogler, Ron Davies, and David Higgins; analyses the role of beer and brewing in fostering regional economic growth worlwide. The link to the issue can be found here

[August] Dates of the VIII Beeronomics Conference announced

The dates of the VIII Beeronomics Conference, to be held in Milan (Italy) next year, have now been announced. The conference will take place from 19 to 22 June 2024. More information about both venues and final programme will be released soon, together with the launch of the conference's official website.

[March] Special issue on Craft Beers - International Journal of Wine Business Research

This Special Issue will frame and strengthen the knowledge of managerial and marketing dynamics in the craft beer sector worldwide, to serve as a valuable reference for future research and teaching delivery in the fields of marketing and communication for alcoholic beverages. Deadline for submissions: October 31, 2023. More info can be found here


[December] PhD Scholarship at Northumbria University, United Kingdom

The Department of Accounting and Financial Management at Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University is looking to hire PhD-candidates for next academic year starting in September 2023. One of the positions is connected to the project 'Brewing throughout crisis: exploring the future of UK craft breweries' [Supervisor: Prof Ignazio Cabras]. Deadline for applications: January 27, 2023. More info on the position can be found here

[September] Location of the next Beeronomics Conference announced

The city of Milan in Italy has been announced as the place hosting the VIII Beeronomics Conference in 2024. Milan is probably the most vibrant Italian city, offering a wide range of attractions including an exciting and innovative craft beer scene. More information to come soon.

[May] VII Beeronomics Conference: Official Programme

The official programme for our next Beeronomics Conference has been launched. The event, organised and hosted jointly by University College Dublin and Trinity College Dublin, will take place in person from June 20-23, 2022 at Trinity College Dublin in the heart of the city. A copy of the official programme can be found here.


[December] Call for Papers: VII Beeronomics Conference in Dublin (Ireland)

The official website for our next Beeronomics Conference has been launched. The event will be organised and hosted jointly by University College Dublin and Trinity College Dublin, with workshops and sessions taking place in person from June 20-23, 2022 at Trinity College Dublin in the heart of the city. A copy of the official Call for Papers can be found here

[May] Call for Papers: Online-Workshop “International Knowledge Transfer within the Brewing Industry of the 19th and 20th Cent

Dr. Jana Weiß (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster) and Dr. Nancy Bodden (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) are organising the workshop entitled “International Knowledge Transfer within the Brewing Industry of the 19th and 20th Century”. The date of the workshop is October 1, 2021. Dr Weiß and Dr Bodden welcome contributions from a range of fields such as economic, entrepreneur, consumption, and cultural history. The workshop will be held online; the program will be published in July and the conference language is English. Deadline for submissions: June 30, 2021. More details of the event can be found here

[March] PhD Opportunity at Uppsala University, Sweden

The Department of Economic History at Uppsala University is looking to hire PhD-candidates for next academic year starting in September 2021. One of the positions is connected to the project Market structure, profitability, and firm survival in the Swedish beer industry, 1920–1990 [Supervisor: Prof Henric Haggqvist]. More info on the position can be found here


[September] Beeronomics Conference POSTPONED

We would like to inform you that, in consultation with Local Organising Committee, the BeSo Executive Committee has made an uneasy decision to postpone the VII Beeronomics Conference until he first half of 2022. Initially, the conference was going to take place in Dublin (Ireland) in June next year, but the level of uncertainty created by pandemic crisis has forced organisers to delay the event. More information about exact dates and conference schedule will be released in 2021.

[May] Special Issue for Regional Studies - Abstract deadline extended

Due to the many requests received by the Editors and given the uncertanties asscoaited with the Covid19 emergency, the deadline for submitting an abstract to the Regional Studies Special Issue on 'Brewing Growth' has been extended until Friday 15 May 2020. More details about the call can be found here.

[February] Call for Papers - Special Issues for Regional Studies

Regional Studies will be publishing a Special Issue on regional economics development, social engagement and the global beer industry. The guest editors welcome submissions that are aligned with the above themes but are willing to consider papers which fall within the broader remit of beer and brewing. Research papers analysing the role of beer and brewing in fostering regional economic growth in EU, the US and emerging markets such as Latin America, Africa and China, based on QCA methods, are particularly welcomed. More details about the call can be found here.


[October] Location of the next Beeronomics Conference announced

The city of Dublin, in the Republic of Ireland, has been announced as the place hosting the VII Beeronomics Conference in 2021. Dublin is the homeplace of Guinness, probably the most famous beer in the world. More information to come soon.

[August] New Executive in the masking

The last Executive Committee held at Plzen (Czech Republic) made important decisions regarding the future of the Beeronomics Society. Changes in the structure and composition of the Committee will be unveiled soon, together with new and exciting ideas that will shape the future of our Society. More news to come soon, stay tuned!

[June] Success for the VI Beeronomics Conference

The VI Beeronomics Conference, co-organised by the Faculty of Economics of University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and the Department of Economic Policy of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, has been a great success. The conference attracted the second largest attendance ever recorded for the series. A number of proposals have been made with regard to the organisation of the next Beeronomics Conference in 2021; a decision will be announced in October 2019.

[February] Welcome IBE!

The Beeronomics Society welcomes the newly formed Independent Brewers of Europe (IBE), which represents more than 2,000 EU breweries across France, Italy, Denmark, Ireland, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Spain, Netherlands and the Czech Republic. IBE is the first pan-European effort made by national beer and brewing representative agencies to facilitate discussion between EU institution, state governments and industry organisations in view of better supporting European independent breweries.


[November] PhD Workshop at the VI Beeronomics Conference: bursaries available

To stimulate and highlight the research in the economics of beer and brewing, the Local Organising Committee of the next Beeronomics Conference will fund the three best proposals among those submitted by PhD students, who will have their conference registration fee paid in order to attend the event. Information about PhD workshop, paper submission and bursaries is available on the conference's official website.

[July] Call for Papers: VI Beeronomics Conference in Plzen (Czech Republic)

The official website for our next Beeronomics Conference has been launched. The event will be organised and hosted by the Faculty of Economics of University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and the Department of Economic Policy of Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, with workshops and sessions taking place at the Pilsner Urquell Brewery. A copy of the official call for papers can be found here.

[Feburary] Beeronomics Session at AARES 2018

A Mini-Symposium on Beeronomics was organised at the 62nd Annual Conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES), being held in Adelaide from 6-9 February. The session, chaired by Julian Alston, included papers on diverse questions related to some of the industrial organisation, human health, and evolving market issues related to beer and brewing.


[April] Fresh data and figures on the state of the craft beer industry in the United Kingdom

New reports have been released this month from the Society of Independent Brewers, which represents about 840 breweries in the United Kingdom. The report includes findings from the SIBA 2017 Annual Survey, based on information collected from SIBA members. A link to the report is available here.